Home > Air Ryder (Harper's Mountains #3)(26)

Air Ryder (Harper's Mountains #3)(26)
Author: T.S. Joyce

Wes and Aaron were snickering.

“I didn’t know the whole crew lived together,” Lexi choked out. “I thought you lived alone.”

“That’s okay, nobody minds you dressed up as a…” Realization struck Ryder’s face like lightning. “Is this for me because of what I said the other day?”

“What did you say?” Harper asked, biting her lip to hold back a smile. She was failing.

Lexi wanted to crawl in a hole and never come out. “Ryder said he always had this fantasy of fucking a Wild West saloon girl.”

Aaron doubled over and laughed so loud it echoed across the mountains, but Alana shoved hard, and he almost fell over. Wes was staring at Lexi’s tits, pushed up to her chin with the red silk corset lined in black lace. Ryder looked so damn gleeful Lexi wanted to slap him.

“This is your fault!” she snapped. “You told me to dress like this.”

“I assure you I did not. I would remember. I said ‘dress for the woods.’”

“Oh. Shit,” Lexi muttered. “Well…” She pulled down the tiny skirt to cover up her fishnet clad thighs a little better. “That makes more sense then.”

“What did you think I said?”

Her cheeks caught fire. She cleared her throat delicately and muttered, “I thought you said ‘dress for wood.’”

Wyatt and Aaron weren’t even trying to stifle their laughter now, Wes was still staring at her fucking tits, and Ryder was doubled over cackling and stomping his feet, spilling his beer all over the grass.

Alana looked impressed, though, and she punched out through her giggles, “Girl, at least you’re working it. You came to get your man.”

“He’s not getting anything now,” Lexi grumbled.

Harper shoved Wes’s head, and he came out of his tit-trance, but just barely.

“I have some clothes you can borrow if you want,” the Bloodrunner alpha offered. “You look awesome, but I doubt that will work for where we’re going.”

“Where we’re going?” God, she’d really thought when Ryder called earlier, he had a one-on-one date planned for them. Apparently this was a group date, and her mortification somehow deepened.

Ryder picked her up like a sack of flour and tossed her onto his shoulder.

“Ryder!” she squawked as he slapped her bare ass.

“Sorry, y’all. I need at least thirty-three seconds with my girl.” Ryder pretended to shoot laser beams from his dick with a couple pelvic thrusts and said in a high pitched voice, “Pew pew.”

Lexi struggled, trying to hide her bare body parts from the crew, but Ryder was immovable, the brute.

“Thirty-three seconds, yeah right,” Aaron called as Ryder shoved the door to the cabin open. “That would be a record for you, Ryder! One pump wonder!”

“Harper!” Lexi pleaded. “Clothes!”

Ryder shut the door, but she could hear Harper’s muffled voice. “I’ll bring them to you!”

Ryder strode straight into the bedroom and dumped her unceremoniously on the bed.

“I’m so embarrassed!” She pressed her palms against her burning cheeks to cool them. Ryder was unsnapping his pants like this was really going to happen now, and Lexi opened her mouth to tell him hell no to all of this, but movement caught her attention.

When a mouse ran across the wooden floors of the bedroom, Lexi bolted upright on the bed with a horror film scream clawing its way up her throat.

Ryder hunched and covered his ears, and outside Aaron yelled, “Sounds like she saw Ryder’s dick!” More laughter echoed as Lexi inhaled for another scream.

Ryder clapped his hand over her mouth and said, “Woman, stop your screeching! It’s a pet mouse!”

“Why would anyone have a rodent as a pet?” she asked, her voice still two octaves too high.

“Because he’s fucking awesome. Look at his nuts! They’re huge, and he eats food right out of my hand.”

Ryder jacked his eyebrows up when she high-kneed it over the bouncy mattress to cower beside him, as far away from the mouse as possible. He peeled her claws from his shirt and left her—left her!—to defend herself. She picked up a pillow and prepared to whack that little sucker if it came any closer.

To her horror, Ryder picked up the little black and white mouse easily and ran his finger gently down the little critter’s head. “Lexi, meet Sammy Scrotum, Sammy Scrotes for short. Sammy, this is Sexy Lexi.”

Ryder approached her with a teasing grin, and she reared back with the pillow. “Don’t you fuckin’ dare.”

“Come on, pet him. Look how cute he is. Look at his wittle ears and his wittle whiskers.” Ryder scrunched up his nose like a mouse and Lexi bit back a smile. This was not funny.

“Ryder, I don’t do mice.”

“Ew, me either. That’s gross.”

Lexi growled at him and backed toward the headboard when he stepped closer.

“Pet him once, and I’ll let you suck my pener.”

Lexi had to force herself not to laugh. Ryder looked determined, so she asked, “Will it bite me?”

“No! Sammy Scrotum is nice.”

“That’s a terrible name.”

“He likes it. It’s a warrior’s name. Pet him. Come oooon. Do it. Peer pressure. Give in. Pet him.”

Every muscle in her body shaking, she dropped the pillow and stuck her finger out, then squeezed her eyes tightly closed so she could pretend she wasn’t actually doing this.

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