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Elijah (Nightwalkers #3)(24)
Author: Jacquelyn Frank

"By all means, Your Highness." Syreena inclined her head in a serious bow of acknowledgement. "Your authority is, of course, paramount to anyone else's. Far be it from me to gainsay you."

"You always gainsay me," Siena said, sighing heavily as she ran a hand through her damp hair. "Come. Jinaeri has left clothes in the back room. It is too cold to stand here trading words in the nude."

Syreena nodded and followed her sister into the back of the cavern. The Demon was nowhere to be seen, but Syreena could sense him in the room set just behind the fireplace. Siena was uncharacteristically nervous as she tossed one of Jinaeri's dresses to her sister before slipping one onto herself. Syreena made herself as unobtrusive as she could, finding a seat in the corner of the couch.

To her surprise, the warrior did not continue to hide in the back room. He made a fairly immediate appearance, dressed a little more appropriately in his pants.

Elijah glanced from Siena to the other female with a discerning eye. He had never seen a Lycanthrope quite like this woman who had disturbed their solitude. Her bicolored hair alone was enough to inspire his curiosity. It was as long as Siena's, but heavy and straight as it fell down her body. Having learned a bit more about the significance of a Lycanthrope's hair, Elijah knew there was something a little extraordinary about this intruder.

He turned his attention to Siena. The skirt of her newly donned dress swished sharply as the Queen made herself busy at the fire and the counter. He felt her distress and her internal struggle for composure very keenly. She was preparing dinner for them as if they were attending a casual party instead of…instead of what it was.

A moment of reckoning.

The moment she made the mistake of passing into his reach, he seized her by her arm and drew her close.

"Would you give me a moment?" he asked her, his direct gaze daring her to argue. She nodded and allowed him to draw her into the back room.

The minute they were out of sight of her unexpected guest, he turned her back to the wall and trapped her to it lightly with a hand braced on either side of her shoulders.

"I know what you are thinking, kitten," he said softly, his jade eyes penetrating deeply into her soul. "You are thinking we will pretend this has not happened. That you will escape with your little confidante back to your world and I will be nothing but a very intriguing memory."

"How do you presume to know what I am thinking," she asked, her whisper sharp on her rapid breath. But the color flushing up over her skin tattled on her quite effectively. "And what do you propose as an alternative? Sweeping me off my feet and making me your bride?" She laughed softly, breathlessly, the sound derisive and raw. "I have no intention of taking this one step beyond this cavern, and I know you have understood that all along."

"Yes, I have," he agreed, "but I don't recall ever agreeing to it. I asked you what you wanted, Siena, and you made it perfectly clear it was me. And until you stop wanting me, this doesn't come to an end."

"Trust me, warrior, my desire for you ends the moment I cross the threshold of this cavern."

Elijah did not argue with her. Instead, he reached to touch her cheek. She jerked her head away, but it was with panic in her eyes. He followed easily and settled his warm fingers on her flushed cheek. With purposeful intent, his fingertips slid down to below her ear and then made that sensual circuit down the side of her neck that so easily stimulated her. He felt the blush and swell of her reaction to the touch on a purely spiritual level. By the time his touch stroked back up to her face, she was turning into his large palm, her lips nuzzling over the calluses within it as her eyes slid closed.

"Elijah," she whispered, her breath pooling into his caressing palm. "My feelings-my desires," she corrected herself, "are beside the point." She looked up into his eyes with the weight of her responsibilities gleaming in her golden pupils. "You are Demon. I am Queen to a species that still feels the bite of your sword. You will find another to be with soon enough who will be more appropriate. This…" Siena suddenly turned from his touch, trying to ignore the bereft feelings that resulted. "This ends here."

She ducked out of his trap, but he was just as fast as she was and whirled her back up against him in a heartbeat. His hand bunched up her hair as he held her head still for his kiss, the other hand locking her forearm to his chest.

Siena felt intense pain slicing through the center of her body as she opened her mouth to his demand, to his purposeful brand that burned her soul deep. His message was violently clear. This was not over between them, and he was going to prove it to her by any means necessary. No matter what the cost to either of them.

He let her go slowly, hands first, lips last. His eyes were dark and serious as he stepped back from her, raised his arms, and with a simple thought twisted into the brisk chill of an autumn breeze. He rushed past her, through her, making her inhale with sudden surprise as his essence streamed through her hair and over her skin.

The only things resting in his stead were the borrowed trousers and the circlet of hair that had sealed the wound on his chest all of this time.

Elijah lived in the States, so he was forced to end his trip at a location closer to the Russian forest he had just left. Noah's home in England was the closest place he could think of, and so he streamed into one of the upstairs bedrooms, where upon solidifying into his biological form, he stumbled and fell to his knees, clutching the freshly bleeding wound on his chest.

He barely noted the bite of the stone floor against his knees. Noah would sense his energy momentarily and would come to find him. Before that happened, he needed to get to some soap and water and rid himself of the Lycanthrope Queen's scent.

He was loath to do so. Even as he got up and made his way into an adjoining bathroom he could feel the resistant cry of that place deep inside himself that Siena had managed to touch. The place that needed her scent clinging to him until he could find a way to convince her to come back into his embrace.

He was barely under the water for five minutes before he heard the outer room door open. By then he was so weak from fresh loss of blood, he had been forced to sit down in the corner of the shower stall. With water streaming through his hair, he tried to focus on the opening door.

To his momentary surprise, it was not Noah who had felt his presence and come to him.

It was Isabella.

She gasped with shock when she saw him and all the blood washing down over the shower tiles. She hurried toward him but suddenly jerked to a halt, a hand slamming into her forehead as if she were under a mental assault.

"Well then, get up here!" she growled viciously to an unseen conversant. "And bring Gideon with you."

Then she promptly ignored what had clearly been a voluble complaint from her notoriously possessive husband and moved to Elijah's side. She shut off the taps and, ignoring the fate of her pretty white gown, knelt beside him in the pool of water and blood that remained yet undrained.

"Hey," he greeted her, giving her a wan smile. "Jacob's going to murder you."

"Yes, well, he'll have to come up here to do it, and that's all that matters to me at the moment." She snatched a towel off the other side of the shower door and bunched it up against his wound, pressing with all her weight. She was a little thing, top to bottom, so Elijah could barely feel it. "We've been so worried about you," she whispered, leaning to kiss his forehead, her free hand pushing his soaked hair out of his eyes.

"Can't a man take a little vacation?" he quipped, wincing when the bathroom door burst open hard, recoiling off its backstop and almost cracking Jacob in the head.

"Damn it, Bella!"

"Oh, would you please give it a rest, Jacob!" she snapped back at him. "When are you going to get it through your thick head that I am just as Imprinted into this marriage as you are? I am really getting sick of this!"

Jacob had never been on the receiving end of his wife's temper in the entire year they had known each other. It left him so shocked that Gideon had to physically move him aside in order to get past him to his patient.

Bella ducked so the medic could step over her and squat down across from Elijah.

"Well, you look like something the cat dragged in," he remarked, immediately laying a hand on the warrior's forehead and closing his eyes in order to assess the damage done to the warrior's abused body.

Gideon did not understand why Elijah found his remark so terribly funny, but the warrior was laughing so hard that his nurse pinched him in the arm to stop him.

"I can't keep pressure with your chest bobbing up and down. Besides, Gideon will never be that funny," she said, giving him a cockeyed look.

"What possessed you to take a shower, Elijah? It could have waited." Gideon shook his head in bafflement, reaching to move Bella aside so he could inspect the worst wound. "Playing with iron again, I see."

"Yeah, well, the other kids weren't playing fair," the warrior murmured.

Gideon looked up at Jacob, who was standing awkwardly in the center of the room.

"So, are you going to challenge him to a duel, or would you mind donating some blood?" Gideon asked.

Bella stood up and moved out of her husband's path, giving him a look that should have cut him to shreds. Jacob moved to his friends' sides and bent down on one knee. He extended his wrist to the medic, who grabbed hold of it in one hand and Elijah's in the other.

"I'm sorry," Jacob murmured to the Captain. And it was clear he meant it sincerely.

"Save it for your wife, friend. She's more upset by it than I am. You've been pigheaded all my life. I'm used to it. She isn't."

Color flared into Elijah's skin even as his donor paled. Despite her pique, Bella was there to help her weakened mate to a seat in the bedroom. Having gotten his patient out of the immediate danger of bleeding to death, Gideon began to heal the wound itself. He had his hands pressed to the rent flesh and was completely focused on his task. Elijah felt the peculiar stretching that came with the knitting of tissue, deep inside his chest.

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