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Elijah (Nightwalkers #3)(40)
Author: Jacquelyn Frank

Slowly, she let her eyes roam down the entire length of his body. Her initial foray was quickly diverted when the gleam of gold and moonstones surrounding a flexed, sturdy bicep caught her eye.

"How did you…?"

Siena stopped herself from asking the question. The armband had been linked. It would have taken nothing for him to slip it over his arm so long as he distorted himself into some form of the air. It would be interesting to see if this unconventional choice in mate would be able to escape his enchanted badge of office as easily as he had managed to put it on. But Siena no longer had to envy him that freedom. The touch of his fingers and the clever or inadvertent manipulation that could free the collar from her throat could happen at any time.

Siena looked up into those eyes once more, so vivid, so green, so clearly starved for her.

Elijah flexed the muscle beneath the armband as he turned one shoulder toward her slightly. He lifted one gold brow.

"Is this the answer you were looking for?" he asked, his voice so low, so rough that it made heat sing past every red blood cell in her body.

"Only if you truly know and accept what it represents."

"I am no stranger to what it means to be a Royal Consort, Siena. Say only that it means we will be equals in all things except your rule, and my affirmation is yours." Elijah reached out to touch the curve of her cheek with his fingertips, unable to help himself in spite of all the eyes he felt on him. "I never wanted your monarchy, kitten. Only you. Just you."

His conviction was strident, unmistakable. Siena's heart was pounding so hard she couldn't even hear herself breathe.

"I wish you had said so in the first place," she whispered, a lift to one corner of her mouth matching the light in her golden eyes.

"My apologies," he whispered back, leaning so close their foreheads almost touched. "I had not realized there was more than a single option."

"To be honest, it had slipped my mind as well."

Syreena cleared her throat softly, drawing the Queen's attention.

Siena suddenly understood the draw of the chemistry that came with this kind of bonding. Her people referred to it as "mating for life," his called it the Imprinting. But "a rose by any other name"…it was clear they were more similar than not after all. In any event, every part of her that lay beneath her skin was yearning toward him. She was the magnet, and he magnetic north.

Siena took a painful step back from him, allowing Syreena the space needed to step up to him and present the dagger to him on the very tips of her fingers. Her hands were steady, her balance flawless. It was notable considering how heavy the weapon was and how long she had been holding it.

"My Lord Elijah, Warrior Captain of the great Demon King, trusted and respected by that great lord who is our ally, do you accept our Queen as your everlasting mate, putting her above all others and below no other importance for the rest of your natural life?"

Elijah was silent for a long moment and Siena could feel the brief flit of hesitation that marked his heart. This did not disturb her. His honesty had always impressed her.

"In return," she said aloud, her tone strong and sincere, "I swear never to put you in a position that will conflict with your loyalty to Noah. There will be no war between our people for as long as I reign and live."

"He is my King, Siena, but you are my mate, my wife, and I am unable to do anything that will harm your heart or your soul. So long as I am at your side, for all that I am a warrior born and bred to conflict, there will never be a need to consider war between our people again. And I will endeavor the rest of my lifetime to help generations far into our future come to understand the best of both our worlds."

Elijah paused only long enough to slip two strong fingers under the blade of the dagger, just beneath the hilt, lifting it perfectly balanced from Syreena's hands. There was a flash of light reflecting off metal, the blade moving nimbly through his fingers as he caused the momentum that would twirl the hilt directly into his palm. The dexterity of the move, the confidence of it, was mesmerizing.

Syreena could barely step away in time as he came closer to his bride once more. Siena tilted her chin up just as he loomed over her and tilted his down. His mouth came close to hers, his free hand reaching out to encircle her slim throat.

"As of this moment, kitten, I am yours. Once I complete one last task for Noah, I will resign my post. If this is to be my home, the land where my heart and soul is occupied, then my body and my skills must come to stay as well. But you must understand that there will be no peace in my conscience if I leave my duty incomplete."

"I would expect nothing less from you," she responded, her tone firm and assuring. The promise was more than she had wanted, but as soon as he made it, she realized his wisdom in the gesture was but one more step toward easing the wary hearts of her people. The magnitude of the sacrifice was not lost on the Queen.

Siena reached for the blade, her palm curling firmly around its honed edges. When she turned her hand over, it was bitten and bloodied in two lines from the double-edged weapon. With a mental prompt from his bride, Elijah did the same. Then, palm to palm, they laced their fingers together.

Anya raised her hands to the ceiling and let out a celebratory cry that was immediately echoed by all the women in the room. It ended almost as soon as it began.

"Behold, the Queen and Consort! We are all the blessed ones to be here on this remarkable day! No one can claim to have seen its measure," Syreena declared.

"And now, for the bedding!" Anya added, her laughter bold and mischievous. The women all cried out again, their fears and doubts swept away by the aides' enthusiasm, the sound rising from them a feminine cheer of encouragement.

Elijah lifted a brow that could only be described as a cross between amused and lecherous. Siena was not a shy woman, but she still could not help the soft flush of color that tinged her cheeks. There was too much excitement and anticipation rushing through her.

"My Lord," Anya whispered softly. "You must sever the ribbons with the dagger."

"Oh?" Again that smile and the lift of a brow. "I like it here already," he mused, forcing his Queen to smother a laugh by pressing her lips firmly together.

Elijah inspected the weaved ribbons down the front of the robe that might as well have not been there at all. It, and the gown beneath it, was so sheer he could see every curve of her body, and every accent from golden curls to dusky ni**les.

Elijah flicked bold emerald eyes up to her gaze, the look coming from under his lashes intriguing her. In a quarter of a heartbeat, light winked like a little supernova from the blade he held.

It was the only sign of movement any of them saw, but the ribbons of her robe parted perfectly. The ladies all gasped, and this time Anya and Syreena were impressed enough to join in the surprised murmur. Siena, however, took it completely in stride, smiling as her mate grinned in that cocky way of his.

The Queen moved from his side and approached the bed. The ladies suddenly remembered their duty to her and reached to draw off the neatly separated cloth from her shoulders. As they peeled the second shift of silk and lace down their mistress's shoulders, they were all aware of the Demon's covetous eyes. The ladies were proud of their Queen's perfection and it pleased them immensely to make slow, silky work of her disrobing.

Elijah's smile faded rapidly as he watched this. He had never known the sound of silk and lace on skin could be so distinct. But it was. The light fabric paused to cling teasingly to the thrust of her rigid ni**les. Finally she stepped from the tissuelike garment, slowly tossing her hair over her shoulder, giving him a perfect view of a gorgeous, pale golden figure.

And that was the moment he finally understood what it meant to be an Imprinted male on Samhain.


Elijah's attention was riveted as the women around the Queen helped her into bed. Siena was gently laid back in the center of the enormous expanse of plush pillows and white and gold velvet bedding. She smiled at him as he clearly became increasingly tense. She was nearer to his mind now, so knew quite well what he was thinking and feeling in the moment. And all of it was quite primal. More so, she realized, as the ladies-in-wait sprinkled her body with the petals of late-season sunflowers.

Syreena and Anya had a sense of the tension in the room and, as soon as they were done anointing the Queen, guided the giggling young women from the room. Elijah completely ignored their curiosity and speculation. Clearly, they did not realize that the fast whispers they spoke in were easily heard by him and would continue to be so, unless they waited until they were much farther away. He also noted that someone, the sister Syreena with the strange hair and eyes, had taken the marriage dagger from his hand.

And that moment was all the time he spent giving thought to it.

The next moment, the click of the closing doors being latched galvanized him into action.

Siena watched with quick breath and anticipation as he moved to the foot of the bed. He reached out swiftly, grabbing her by both ankles and sliding her completely off the mattress with one very firm pull. She laughed as he scooped her up against his body with one arm around her waist, saffron-colored petals crushing between them.

"You are mine," he said softly through clenched teeth.

He leaned in with an aggressive male sound rumbling from his throat. Siena closed her eyes as he searched for her scent at the curve of her neck, drawing it deeply into his lungs until he sighed with satisfaction.

"I have been parted from you too long," he announced, moving her back just enough so he could devour her body with his eyes even as his bold hand slid over her belly and ribs and cradled her breast with firm intensity. "I am half mad from wanting you, kitten, and I am afraid I will not be very gentle."

She did not speak aloud but instead wound her fingers deep into his hair and drew his head, and his mouth, closer to hers. Her lips parted, rubbing soft and warm over his, teasing him with her spiced taste.

"You are mine," she said, feeling the chilled flash of stimulation her voice and words sent rushing over his skin. "And I never"-she licked his lips teasingly, making him groan-"never once"-her body curled erotically up to his, every inch of her skin a caress that reached deeply into him-"asked you to be gentle," she finished at last.

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