Home > Blood of the Lost (Rylee Adamson #10)(74)

Blood of the Lost (Rylee Adamson #10)(74)
Author: Shannon Mayer

He grinned. “I wouldn’t have done it for just anyone.”

Frank was next, tucking his hands into his pockets. I held out a hand to him and hugged him, then kissed him hard on the lips. “That’s from Pamela.”

He blushed. “Is she . . . okay?”

“She will be. She’s a tough girl, and she loved you.”

He smiled, and I could see how easy it would be for her to fall for him. “I know. It’s why this was worth it.”

Love, it all came back to love.

I looked around us, unable to believe how many friends we’d lost. Deanna was there too, as were all the shamans who’d died. The coven of witches, and most of the supernatural world who’d died at the hands of Orion’s pox.

On this side of the Veil, there were more supernaturals to fight for us than on the other side.

Giselle’s words, what she’d said, actually sunk in. “Warriors. You said they came here to fight . . . .” I couldn’t breathe past the single possibility that lay ahead of me.

My mentor smiled and Erik gave a laugh. “Yeah, those two have been waiting a long time to see you. Go.” He pushed me and I started running in the direction he shoved. I ran, hopping on one leg and then the other to try and see further past all the people who’d come to greet me. The supernaturals around me parted, letting me through.

Ahead of me, two figures approached me at a walk.

He was tall, had light auburn hair, and moved a lot like a younger version of Erik. I knew his name was Bram, but that was it.

She could have been my mirror reflection except for the pitch-black hair. Her eyes met mine, tri-colors swirling. Green, gold, and brown, like mine. I skidded to a stop, but she kept coming forward. Elle, her name was Elle. My mother.

“Rylee,” she said my name, and I put my hands to the back of my head.

“Is this happening?”

A smile quirked her lips. “What did you think would happen if you died? That you would be left alone in the darkness? You’ve touched too many lives, Rylee. And you have made us so proud.”

She reached out to me and touched my cheek. I fell into her arms, and then my father wrapped his arms around me. Their strength was my strength, their hearts beat in time with mine.

For a few moments, I could be a child, protected from the world by parents who loved her.

Bram pulled back first, his eyes sparkling with humor. “Time to kill the demons, daughter.”

Daughter. Damn, that sounded nice.

“Yes, but how are we going to get all the way over there?” I pointed at the blackness. As big and obvious as it was, it had to be at least a hundred miles away.

He grinned. “All the warriors come here . . . even those we don’t expect sometimes.”

A bellowing roar that put Dox’s cry to shame shook the air, and I was running from my parents toward the blue, black, and silver dragon as he dropped toward me. Blaz, his wings shimmering in the bright sunlight, landed in front of me. He snaked his head out and I grabbed his face as best I could, another tiny piece of my heart healing. All the loss of the last year made sense, and even though they hurt me, I understood why.

“Rylee, you’re almost done.”

I looked up at him. “Your voice isn’t in my head.”

“Not here.” He grinned and winked one golden eye at me. He bent his front leg and I scrambled onto his back. No harness, but I wasn’t worried.

Other dragons dropped out of the sky, and across the open plain came the thundering of hooves. The warriors and heroes around me mounted, but they didn’t move forward. Their eyes all rested on me.

I lifted my hand into the sky, and slowly made a fist, but the words clogged in my throat. What the fuck was I doing? What would happen to these people I loved so dearly if they died a second time fighting for me? Would their souls be destroyed? I couldn’t bear it if that was the case.

“It’s not like the other side, Rylee,” my mother said as she climbed up behind me and settled on Blaz’s back. Mom looked at me with a wry twist on her lips. “This isn’t going to be a battle like all those you’ve faced so far.”

I swallowed hard. “You’re here, why is no one looking to you?”

“Because it is not my blood sealing the Veil. You have to direct it. That is the last thing you must do. We will guard your flank and your back as you face Orion one last time.”

She scooted closer and wrapped her arms around me. “I’m sorry, but I can’t believe I’m holding you again. It’s been so long since I said goodbye.”

Blaz looked back at me and I nodded. He launched into the air and I held my mother’s arms to me, thinking of Marcella. Perhaps one day I’d get the chance to hold her again, after she crossed the Veil.

As I stared at the seething darkness in front of us, I could only hope that was the case. That I didn’t fuck up this last step and doom the world to the demons.

No pressure, no pressure at all.



HE COULDN’T HEAR Rylee’s heart beating, and he thought perhaps his own had stopped. This was not how it was supposed to happen. Lurching toward her, he didn’t see Alex until the kid stood up and blocked him. “Lark said you can’t touch her.”

“I’ll fucking well touch her if I want,” he snarled. But Alex didn’t back down.

“Boss, Lark is trying to help her.” Alex pushed him back hard enough to make him stumble.

Liam reluctantly looked away from Rylee’s pale face. Lark was on her knees, her arms raised over her head as her whole body shook. “What’s she doing?”

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