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Some Were In Time (Shift Happens #2)(72)
Author: Robyn Peterman

I could feel their tension and I shared it. I had no clue why, but a feeling of unease skittered up my spine. It was strong and I wasn't able to push it to the side or ignore it. The Wolves had spoken to me once before and I was hoping now they would speak again.

"She's in there with my mother," the female said. "You must stop her."

What the hell was she talking about? Two things jumped around in my head. The fact I was correct—the Wolf at my feet was indeed my mother because she referred to Granny as her mother. Then I lost track of my shock trying to figure out what the hell she was talking about.

"Oh shit," I yelled as I turned and burst through the front door when I figured it out. I looked wildly around for my granny. The feral Wolves were on my heels along with Hank, Dwayne and Dima.

And then I spotted her. She was seated on a dark brown leather couch which had been pushed up against a wall. There were no windows behind it and it had the best view of all the entrances and exits into the Great Room. Once an agent, always an agent. Granny had looked bad earlier—now she looked positively horrific. Angela had put her in restraints and she was bleeding from multiple wounds to her face and head. My stomach lurched as Angela held a large silver machete to my granny's neck. My boss was calm and she was smiling.

And she was about to die.

Chapter 21

"So this was your project?" I asked casually, pointing to the feral Wolves.

"All of you disarm or her head goes," Angela said tightly.

"Not a problem," I assured her as I took every weapon I had on my body off and put them on the floor, as did the others. "You want to explain?"

"You were supposed to die," she spat. "First with the Dragons in Hung and then with the Dragons in Illinois. Either would have killed your parents. It was part of the master plan to break them. How the hell are you still alive?"

She squinted at me as if I were a freak of nature...actually, I was.

"Just lucky, I suppose. How did you know we were in Illinois?" I asked, wanting to understand why a woman I liked and trusted had turned on me so viciously.

"You're tagged. I have GPS on you," she sneered. "When any recruit joins we chip them. We can protect you that way."

"Or conveniently find us and kill us," I added.

"Yes. That too," she added with a satisfied grunt.

It was fairly easy to get Angela to monologue. She liked to hear herself talk. Normally I tried to ignore her, but not today. I wanted to hear every word she had to say.

"Why? What did I do to you that I needed to die for?"

"You exist," Angela shouted. She grabbed Granny by the hair and ran the knife down the side of her face, creating a new scar and a new pool of blood.

What she couldn't see was the maniacal look on Granny's face and the long sharp Vampyre fangs that had dropped down for a visit. I'd say Angela had maybe five more minutes… and I wanted answers.

"Ooookay," I said as I sat down on the floor and got comfortable. "Tell me why my existence is such an issue for you."

"You should have been mine," she hissed as spittle gathered at the corners of her mouth.

How had I never noticed her crazy before? The feral Wolves, aka my mom and dad, growled low in their chests.

"I'm sorry. What?" Hers? How in hell should I have been hers?

"I wanted him. He should have been mine," she whined.

Granny rolled her eyes. I could see it was all she could do not to go ballistic on Angela, but I guess she wanted answers too. Angela didn't have any clue how difficult it would be to kill my Granny now—considering she was immortal.

"He never would have been yours," Granny snapped and clenched her fists. "He was engaged to his mate—my daughter. He never wanted you, you horrible stupid woman."

"Shut up," Angela shouted. "John never got the chance to know me because of her." She hissed as she stared daggers at my mother in her Wolf form.

"Whoa whoa whoa," I said, shaking my head as I tried to keep a lid on my need to tear Angela's head from her body. Hank's low growling beside me let me know he was on the same page. "You got spurned by my dad, so you had him and my mom put into an experiment that kept them permanently in Wolf form?"

"Yes. It was my idea," Angela crowed proudly. "I was revered for it by the Council members who were funding the project and by the scientists. We could take problem Werewolves and use them to create perfect fighting machines."

"That's sick, Angela. You're no different from Hitler," I ground out.

"Thank you," she said with a bow of her head.

"It was not a compliment, you piece of trash. I missed out on having a mother and a father all of my life because you're a jealous psycho. You have ruined the lives of countless people and families… thirty I know of, and all because you're mentally ill with delusions of grandeur."

"What kind of magic was used?" Hank demanded in a tone that made everyone in the room flinch, including Angela.

God, he was hot when he was scary.

"Like I'd ever tell you." Angela laughed and pulled on the few hairs left on her head. "It's my ticket to stay alive."

The sound of her hollow and pathetic laugh bounced around my brain and made me feel clammy and ill. No, she probably wouldn't tell the secret, but if anyone could figure out how to reverse a spell or find a chemical compound that could solve this problem, it was Junior. We probably didn't even need all the information.

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